
The Golden Retriever is a medium size dog. They originally came from Scotland, around the early 1800′s, used to retrieve shot ducks and game birds during hunting and shooting sports. The original cross was of a yellow coloured Retriever with a Tweed Water Spaniel. They were bred to have a soft mouth to retrieve birds undamaged, and have an instinctive love of water. The Golden Retriever has a thick inner coat that provides it ample warmth. The outer coat is sleek and water repellent, and lies flat against the body. The breed’s intelligence and versatility suit the dog well for a variety of roles including guide dog for the blind, hunting dog, illegal drug and explosives detector, and search and rescue dog. Because of their loyal and gentle temperament, golden retrievers are are popular family pets, with a friendly and eager to please nature.
Golden Retrievers are exceptionally trainable, due to their intelligence, athleticism and desire to please their handlers.They are also very competitive in agility and other performance events. Harsh training methods are unnecessary as Golden Retrievers often respond very well to positive and upbeat training styles. Golden Retrievers are compatible with children and adults and are good with other dogs, cats, and other animals. Golden Retrievers are particularly valued for their high level of sociability towards people, and willingness to learn.

These Facts are very true!  Our Goldens are very smart to be 1 year old.  They are so loving and have never even growled.  I would say that they are competitive but Jill can never get to the fetch before Jack, she tries and tries until she just finally looses interest!  ;)

These pics were taken in September, 2012 but still today, this is what I have to deal with when I am in the kitchen.  It is so hard to move around having to step over all of them. 

Miss Kitty is playing with Jack's Tail

He says OK, it is on!

Miss Kitty, Jack and Jill, love each other very much and cannot stand to be seperated!  But she had kittens today and they can't go in the room she is in and they can't stand it!  Maybe in a couple of weeks!


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